Knowledge liberates;Dr Sudhakar is a living embodiment of this ancient adage . He has translated this dictum into his very life and has established by precept and practice the value of educaation in human society.One who is bestowed this liberating touch of knowledge lives it every moment and is impatient to communicate it to others .By such communication ,man is delivered from the thralldom of his mental limitations into the life of knowledge blessing him with the joy and glory of human life .Dr Sudhakar simple demeanour ,profound knowledge and deep concern for human welfare reflect the sublime qualities of a man of knowledge .His subtle humour and an infectious laughter possess people around him .He has shared this immense joy of knowledge with untiring zeal through a variety of ways-books,poetry,pieces of literature ,lectures and personal discussions.

                           Dr Sudhakar's humble beginings from an agricultural farm hand to a hotel waiter ;eventually a clerk and finally as a civil services officer is well documented .His obtaining of around 86 Degrees/Diplomas in an range of subjects ,Commerce ,Mass Communications,Sanskrit and Alternative medicine besides several Doctorates over a period of 36 years reveal his tenacity of purpose and strength of character .

                             Dr Sudhakar has cast upon himself the task of leading his flock along the path of literacy .As a Media Officer ,he has risen to many an occasion,often at great personal risk and won laurels for his organisation and admiration of his colleagues and the general public .This tenacity of purpose and commitment to social values from the basic features of his personality .His boyish enthusiasm and curiosity impel him towards many a soul to treat the path of literacy and experience the thrill of a life of knowledge .With his all round knowledge of Law ,Literature ,Mass Communications and Journalism he is a living legend in the field of Education .Besides ,he is a humanist at heart .His life is a beacon light for generations to come.